Overview of Capabilities

Uptrop-Py is python coded software used to apply the so-called cloud-slicing technique to satellite observations of column densities of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to retrieve vertical profiles of mixing ratios of NO2 throughout the troposphere on a global scale.

Code output includes data in NetCDF format, plots in postscript format, and metrics at the end of the log file. Sample plots and logfile metrics are in the Gallery.

So far the code has been applied to Sentinel-5P TROPOMI instrument obesrvations of total columns of NO2 using cloud information from two distinct TROPOMI cloud products to obtain NO2 concentrations in a single layer in the upper troposphere from 450 hPa (~8 km) to 180 hPa (~12 km).

The steps in the retrieval algorithm are detailed in the open access peer-reviewed Marais et al. (2021) paper published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

The data generated for this paper are available for public download from the UCL Data Repository.

A static version of the software that was used in the above paper to generate the above data is hosted on Zenodo and available for public download and use as version 1.1.0.